Full Specifications What's new in version 8.00 More features for Excel. Kutools for Excel is undoubtedly an incredible handy add-in which will save your time and effort. For example, you can combine sheets quickly, merge cells without losing data, paste to only visible cells, count cells by color, batch operations with one click in Excel and so on. It enhances and adds more than 120 advanced functions for you to easily cope with various kinds of tasks in Excel.

Info link https If you are tired of merging worksheets one by one, or frustrated by all kinds of complicated tasks in Excel, Kutools for Excel is the handy tool for you to simplify complicated tasks into a few clicks. Other materials switching the tcs on and off fig 116 in the centre console button for switching the tcs on and off manually first read and observe the introductory. › License Name And Code For Kutools Free █ █