For a household of three people, that would mean an annual income of less than $37,167 (as of 2017 see eligibility guidelines for current income limits). WIC defines low-income families as households making less than 185% of the poverty level. Children ages 1-5 will receive vouchers for fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, eggs, cheese, bread, peanut butter, tuna fish, juice, and cereal. WIC vouchers for infants can be used for formula and baby food. Pregnant or breastfeeding women can receive vouchers for healthy food like fresh produce, skim milk, eggs, wheat bread, beans, and cereal. WIC is a government subsidy program that aims to provide healthy groceries for low-income families with children up to age 5. WIC – Also Available to Military Families Stationed OCONUS.Our military family relies on this benefit to afford healthy food. The store takes the WIC voucher as payment for my groceries. Every week, I bring Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) vouchers to the grocery store and ring up specific WIC items separately from the rest of my food. Since the birth of our first child, the government has bought most of our milk, bread, eggs, juice, and cereal. Thankfully, this little-known benefit helps us put food on our table. As a military spouse who has lived at four different bases in the last nine years, I have difficulty finding full-time employment.

For years, the government has been helping our family buy groceries.